At First Camp Frösön – Östersund you can book accommodation for caravans, camper vans or tents. We have 4 service houses on the campsite and check-in takes place at 13:00 for those staying in the camping area. Check-out is not later than 12:00.
When you book accommodation at our campsite in Frösön – Östersund, you can choose a specific camping pitch from the map. Then you get exactly the place you want! Close to the service house, reception or in the quieter corner of the campsite. Freedom, just the way you want your camping holiday to be!
Freedom is to be able to bring your own house exactly where you feel like going. First Camp’s campsites are very popular holiday destinations and we recommend that you book your place in advance online to get just the one you want. At the camping site you can rent camping pitches for caravans, RVs and tents. First Camp Frösön-Östersund is eco labeled, child and dog friendly and is also wheelchair accessible. The camping site is equipped with toilets, showers, nursing rooms, washing machines and tumble dryers. Here you will also find several bbq places and during the summer there is also a kiosk / boutique where you can buy freshly baked bread, a swedish fika or why not an ice cream?
Our nice camping pitches with electricity are located just below the holiday village and are spread over the camping area. Each pitch is located on grass. Select your specific pitch from the map as you book. Pitches 10–11, 20–21, 30–31 and 40–41 have gravel foundation and are the only pitches in the area without inclination. The rest of the pitches are on a hill and have grass foundation.
The pitches without electricity are located in the middle of the camping area. All pitches are located on grass with proximity to service buildings as well as the bbq place.
At the campsite there are a couple of caravan sites with a hard surface and electricity. You can find them near the reception and service building 1.
At First Camp Frösön-Östersund you can also camp with a tent, and stay even closer to nature. The campsite has several tent areas with space without electricity. Perfect for you who want to be able to choose what or who you want as a neighbor!