Gunnarsö – Oskarshamn

Salty cliffs and beaches in the charming archipelago

Welcome to our campsite in Oskarshamn, First Camp Gunnarsö – Oskarshamn. Here you will holiday close-to-nature in an archipelago idyll with the Baltic Sea as a backdrop. The campsite offers beautiful hiking trails, sunny cliffs and child-friendly beaches. Astrid Lindgren’s World and “Glasriket” (Smålands Glass Region) are a car trip from here and from the harbour the ferry goes to the islands of Öland, Gotland and Blå Jungfrun (about 2.5 km from Gunnarsö).


For children there are many fun activities on beautiful Gunnarsö, where children can play the whole week long. On-site you can also hire a bike and a pedal boat, to name just a few activities. During the summer many fun activities are organized, including a kids’ club, outdoor fitness and evening entertainment.


There is also space for peace and quiet on the island, with its beautiful location on the east coast, you are guaranteed to enjoy your holiday. At the campsite you will find our popular First Camp Bistro where you can enjoy lunch and dinner with sea views from the terrace, and a shop with basic goods, ice cream and freshly baked bread. Whether you’re holidaying in a cabin, camper, caravan or tent, we’re a destination for you.



We offer

Breakfast bag
Pets allow


Adventure golf
Beach and swimming
Beach volleyball
Fitness Programme
Hiking trails
Kayak hire
Kids club
Pedal boats
Pedel car

Practical information

First Camp Gunnarsö – Oskarshamn är öppen året om. Övriga enheter som bistro och butik har varierande öppettider beroende av säsong.


Destinationen är bemannad
Personal finns på området under öppettiderna.


Servicebutiken har öppet under vår- och sommarsäsongen.
Butiken fylls upp successivt under våren för att kunna erbjuda sitt fulla sortiment under sommarsäsongen.


Vi är en helt kontantfri destination. Vi accepterar självklart alla vanliga betal- och kreditkort.


På campingen finns vårt restaurangkoncept First Camp Bistro. Bistron öppnar igen sommaren 2023, välkommen tillbaka!

Opening hours

7 January10 April

From July 22nd to 27th, 2024, we welcome the O-Ringen Smålandskusten event here at First Camp Gunnarsö – Oskarshamn. During this period, accommodation can only be booked online, with a minimum stay of five nights. See more information in the online booking. Please note that there may be extra movement and activity at the campsite during this period. If the campsite is fully booked, we highly recommend First Camp Oknö – Mönsterås.

Contact information

Östersjövägen 103, 572 63 Oskarshamn

Near Gunnarsö - Oskarshamn

If you want to leave the campsite for the day, here are various tips for things to do in the immediate area.