För barnfamiljen

På västkusten finns mängder av aktiviteter att göra. Passa på att besöka Halmstad Äventyrsbad som endast ligger 4 km från vår anläggning.


Om inte karuseller, vattenlek eller dinosaurier passar dagen, går det alltid spela äventyrsgolf. Besök Himalayas Äventyrsgolf som mäter nära 6500 kvadratmeter.

Halmstad Adventureland

Only 4 km from our campingsite you will find Halmstad Adventuresland which offers carousel park, water park & dinosaur park.

Adventure Golf

If you are interested in Adventure Golf with a difference, we can strongly recommend Volkswagen Arena, located 6 kilometres from Halmstad Camping. Try their Himalayas Adventure Golf which stretches across close to 6500 square metres.

It is modelled on the original ”Himalayas” putting green at world-famous St. Andrews. At Himalayas, old and young, experienced and beginners play under the same conditions.

Now everyone who wants to try their skills at one of the world’s largest putting greens can do just that. Adult pay 80 SEK for an 18-hole round while children under 16 pay 40 SEK. Club and ball are included.

Let the adventure begin!