Pool bad


At Lugnet you can swim all year round! Either in the swimming pool or in the open air swimming pool. Lugnets simhall is located in Lugnets Sportcenter, just next to the campsite.

Lugnets Swimming Pool & Relaxation
Lugnets swimming hall has a focus on swimming training and exercise. Everyday except saturday and sunday the swimminghall is used by the Falu Sims Society for training.
In the hall you will find a 25-meter pool with trampoline and jump tower, teaching pool and a splash pool for the children. There is also a sauna in the swimming pool’s changing room. there is also the relaxation area with whirlpool, steam, dry and damp sauna.

Outdoor swimming pool (Outdoor)
The outdoor swimming pool with water slide and free fall is a popular place for everyone!
During the summer, the open air swimming pool at Lugnet is open.

The outdoor swimming pool is temperate and here you will find:
50 m pool
25 m pool
Washbasin with fountain
Free fall
Large green areas for sunbathing and play